Sometimes when writing a review it’s difficult to not oversell with superlatives and adjectives such as blogs which seems to proliferate blog writing today. (For the record I am talking more about generalist blogs rather than music blogs.) That said, I believe that Hammer of Harthor’s self released Sphere is one damn fine album.
Hammer of Hathor is the duo Heather Vergotis and Mark Kaylor who now hail from Olympia, Washington but have spent time in Maine and Philadelphia. The eight tracks ofSphere venture from twisted versions of Japanese folk songs to percussion-laden improvisations to my favorite, a duet between a banjo and a guitar mimicking bamboo flutes. All of this is an over-simplification and most likely wrong, regardless this may be one of the best albums you will hear this year.
Here's the link to his site:
NOTE: "Sphere" is NOT self released, but made possible by the lovely folks of Don't Trust the Ruin.